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Customer Profile Reports
Business or Consumer Profile Reports:
Our profile reports are intended to provide the user with a 360-degree view of their customer database in a very economic fashion.  Reports consist of an easy to interpret presentation including a summary of findings and geographic mapping of your current customers.  The Profile Reports can facilitate improved targeting of prospect lists, therefore increasing response rates and sales.
Business or Consumer Profile Reports:
Geographic Concentration Overview *(MAP)*
ZIP Codes (SCFs) or State Codes
Year Business First Appeared
Population Size
Location Employment Size
Location Sales Volume
Business Credit Score
Major Industry Classification
Geographic Concentration Overview *(MAP)*
Sectional Center Facility (SCFs) or State Codes
Marital Status or Selected Married
Adult Age Range or Select Age 
Head of Household Gender or Select Gender
Presence of Children
Household Income
Own vs. Rent
Home Value
Length of Residence (LOR)
Buyer Behavior Clusters (BBC)
TNT-DATA New Businesses
  Brand New Businesses
The New Business database includes new businesses that have formed within the last two years from across the entire U.S. The database is collected from:
Secretaries of State Filings
County Courthouses
Utility Providers
Departments of Revenue
Departments of Taxation
Local Business and Legal Journals and other sources that record
new business transactions.
The information is gathered electronically through E-Mail, bulletin boards/magnetic media, manually through the compilation of printed sources, and directly by regular visits to local courthouses.
  Phone Numbers are available on approximately 50% of the database; those with Phone Numbers are also processed through Telephone Verification.
48,000 new businesses added weekly
2.5 million new businesses annually
1.4 million verification phone calls are made annually.
A new business opens every 12 seconds in the U.S.
  New Business leads are typically sold on a subscription basis and can be updated weekly.
New Movers:
Every year, nearly 20% of the nation's population moves to a new residence. This group of renters and homeowners is ready to buy - everything from furniture and landscaping to insurance and home improvement services. Our New Movers Database consists of over 15 million individuals who have changed residence in the last year. It covers the entire U.S. and contains data from, Marketing Sources and Several other proprietary sources. ;
Choose information monthly based on:
Date of move
Distance of move
Type of move (in-state, out-of-state, etc.)
Telephone numbers
Type of Move: New Homes Owners or New Movers (Include both Renters and Home Owners).
Analytic Services
Email Marketing
US Business to Business Database
Business or Consumer Profile Reports
Database Modeling Solutions
Contact Us @
7457 Greenville Circle
Lake Worth FL, 33467
Phone   : 866-554-3031
Fax       : 561-439-3544
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